Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer

Rethink Your Plan

With corn and soybeans up over a dollar from their lows, it is time to rethink your plan for those who listened to money-savers in their circle. Read more about cost-saving considerations.

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Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer

Rain, rain go away…

Many farmers in the Midwest are experiencing planting delays. Read what the data says about potential yield loss and management thoughts from agronomist Mike Toohill.

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Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer

Critical Decision Making on Corn & Soybeans

The status of corn is an interesting one even after most have caught some rain. The wind and/or hail issues that ran through several states left corn beat up and laid down. Across Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois, it is tasseling or will be within the next week or two.

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Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer

Tar Spot Moves West

Tar spot has moved west quickly as it has infected fields across Missouri, Iowa, and has now been confirmed in some counties in Nebraska. If you’ve had tar spot in your field, you know the damage it can cause. If you’ve been lucky and not gotten it so far, you could still get it.

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Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer

Learning from 2021 for the 2022 Plan

Corn was not the only crop that benefited from fungicide in 2021. So far this fall there have been 5-10 bushel per acre differences in soybeans that had at least one fungicide application compared to the fields that did not receive that application.

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Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer Agronomy Kristen Wehmeyer

Late-season watchout: Anthracnose stalk rot

Anthracnose stalk rot has been showing increased pressure in locations that have had moisture stress this year. Before you head out to the field with your combine, get out to the field and look for symptoms of anthracnose stalk rot.

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