News & Media
U.S. Drought Monitor COLORFUL in the Corn Belt heading into March…
Despite the brutal cold during first 3 weeks of February, drought conditions expanded through much of the I-States last month. Read more about predictions heading into March and the short term and long term implications.
Set Your Crops & Planter Up for Success in 2025
Proper planter preparation is essential to achieve optimal crop yields. A well-maintained and prepared planter ensures precise seed placement, consistent depth, and uniform emergence, all of which contribute to a successful growing season.
Rethink Your Plan
With corn and soybeans up over a dollar from their lows, it is time to rethink your plan for those who listened to money-savers in their circle. Read more about cost-saving considerations.
Late season Midwest corn disease outbreak
In Agronomist Mike Toohill's recent I-States and Missouri travels, late season corn disease is very widespread. Read about the 3 things that will impact the corn crop the most.
The status of the Midwest and U.S. soybean crop heading into August
As we head into August, the main soybean yield influencing factors to monitor are current soil moisture, early into Mid-August temperatures, and planting date influence.
June weather stress impacts on components of corn yield
June moisture was quite variable around the major U.S. corn growing areas. Read more about how June weather may impact kernel number per ear and kernel size.
Meet the 2024 Summer Interns
We started our intern program in 2021 to give students the chance to gain real world experiences. Over the years, these students have transitioned into full-time roles. Read more about the three new interns at AgVenture Wehmeyer Seed.
Would a “dry June for the roots to go down” or a slow soaking inch once a week this month be better in 2024?
Read about these two scenarios and what agronomist Mike Toohill thinks is the best June weather scenario based on current conditions and the monthly temperature/precipation maps.
Rain, rain go away…
Many farmers in the Midwest are experiencing planting delays. Read what the data says about potential yield loss and management thoughts from agronomist Mike Toohill.
The 5 most likely ways to end up with a less than desirable corn and/or soybean stand
As we get closer to planting, keep the following 5 scenarios in the back of your mind.
“Not much good happens when corn and soybeans are planted in March in the Midwest.”
I’m not sure who first came up with this quote but I think about it every time soils dry and warm way ahead of schedule in the spring.
Significant Late Season Anthracnose Outbreak
As last week’s heat and humidity set in on the Midwest, yellowing corn fields became very common in Illinois travels. Read more for harvest suggestions in fields with Anthracnose pressure.
Out-standing in the Field: What’s Next? Checking for Pollination
Follow along with us as we go to the field to share our observations and management techniques. Third video… checking on pollination!
Critical Decision Making on Corn & Soybeans
The status of corn is an interesting one even after most have caught some rain. The wind and/or hail issues that ran through several states left corn beat up and laid down. Across Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois, it is tasseling or will be within the next week or two.
Update from the Field
So you finally got, or are about to get, some rain. Whew! Good news after a tough 6-8 weeks here in the Midwest. What now?
Out-standing in the Field: Building a plan for the second half
Follow along with us as we go to the field to share our observations and management techniques. Second stop, building a plan for the second half of the growing season.
Out-standing in the Field: Early Season Management
Follow along with us as we go to the field to share our observations and management techniques. First stop, the V1 growth stage.
Corn Yield Record Shattered with AgVenture’s AV9916AM™
Press Release — Russell Hedrick shattered the state yield record with his winning entry of 459.51 bushels per acre in the 2022 North Carolina Corn Growers Yield Contest.
Corn Yield Record Shattered By Farmer’s 459.51 Dryland Bushels
Written by Chris Bennett from Farm Journal — After a roller coaster season of dips and loops, Russell Hedrick was a final bend away from the bin buster of his life—a record-smashing 459.51 bushels per acre of dryland corn. As Hedrick steered a combine into the rows of a 14’ canopy and began slamming ears into the header, he abruptly stopped the machine, alarmed by the hum of high yield music.
Three ways to secure top soybean yields in the coming weeks
All over the Midwest farmers are prepping for the 2022 soybean harvest. Want to envision a higher score for yourself? Here are three actions you can take that will brighten your future.