Enlist™ Weed Control System
Explore the advantages of Enlist E3®soybeans.
Through the nation’s largest network of independent seed companies, AgVenture is committed to helping increase your productivity and profitability through the best in products, services and technologies — including Enlist E3® soybeans.
Enlist E3 soybeans are easy to use, and that makes them ideal when your focus is on productivity. Read on to see how Enlist E3 soybeans can contribute to your next profitable season. Explore our new lineup of Enlist E3 soybeans for 2021 and find the right varieties for your farm from your local AgVenture Independent Seed Company.
Performance for a more profitable season.
Enlist E3® soybeans showed great performance in 2019, matching or exceeding the yields of other systems.
That performance starts with protection. With tolerance to 2,4-D choline in Enlist™ herbicides, glyphosate and glufosinate, Enlist E3 soybeans let you design a more robust program approach to weed control that helps reduce weed competition so your soybeans can thrive. This year’s Enlist E3 soybeans lineup adds to that protection with industry leading seed treatment packages and more choices for protection against key diseases and pests.
Our lineup of Enlist E3 soybeans includes protection against key diseases and pests, including:
Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN)
Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS)
Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC)
Root rot
Stem canker
Frogeye leaf spot
Charcoal rot
Brown stem rot
Control the weeds that threaten yields.
Studies show that, left uncontrolled, weed pressure in the U.S. would cause losses of almost 50% of annual yields and $15 billion.1 Enlist E3® soybeans are tolerant to three herbicides, so you can use more modes of action against the toughest weeds in soybean fields, including glyphosate-resistant weeds.
Herbicide Efficacy Comparison
Both the Enlist™ and Xtend® systems offer good to excellent control of problematic weeds. Enlist E3 soybeans are tolerant to three herbicides, allowing for additional options in weed control.
More efficiency and flexibility for your season.
Enlist E3® soybeans and the Enlist™ weed control system are easy to use and work with the way you want to farm, making it easier to plan your schedule, your fields and your weed control strategy.
Application Timing
You can spray Enlist E3 soybeans no later than R2, for an application window up to 10 days longer than other systems. There are also no calendar date or time-of-day restrictions for applying Enlist™ herbicides, but must avoid temperature inversions.
Field Planning
Enlist herbicides are designed to land and stay on target with near-zero volatility and reduced physical drift potential. Enlist herbicides are also compatible with soybeans without the Enlist® trait, giving you more options in planning your fields.
Drift and Volatility
Drift and volatility concerns can restrict application timing, field planning and tank-mixes. Lower potential for off-target movement with Enlist herbicides offers farmers more flexibility.
Enlist™ herbicides can be tank-mixed with hundreds of qualified tank-mix partners — including AMS products — to let you design the right weed control program for your farm.