Out-standing in the Field: Early Season Management
Follow along with us as we go to the field to share our observations and management techniques. First stop, the V1 growth stage.
Follow along with us as we go to the field to share our observations and management techniques. First stop, the V1 growth stage.
Despite the brutal cold during first 3 weeks of February, drought conditions expanded through much of the I-States last month. Read more about predictions heading into March and the short term and long term implications.
Proper planter preparation is essential to achieve optimal crop yields. A well-maintained and prepared planter ensures precise seed placement, consistent depth, and uniform emergence, all of which contribute to a successful growing season.
With corn and soybeans up over a dollar from their lows, it is time to rethink your plan for those who listened to money-savers in their circle. Read more about cost-saving considerations.