The Top 5 Factors to Producing a Top Crop
By Bethany Kroeze & Jeff Shaner
AgVenture Product Marketing Team
At AgVenture, we believe there are always more bushels to produce. We also believe that each and every year brings an equal opportunity to be your best crop year ever. But what does that really mean, and how is it achieved?
Your AgVenture District Sales Manager is connected with a network of professionals who, through years of on-farm proofing, have determined a series of best practices that help our customers maximize yield potential and profitability on every acre. We call it the Maximum Profit System™ and we have seen farmers increase their APH by as much as 15-20% in a five-year period with it.
Outperforming the neighborhood doesn’t cost that much to implement. With proper timing, quality of inputs, and attention to detail, you can easily become known as your own version of a “Yield Specialist.”
Here are five key factors to consider on your 2022 journey towards the best crop ever – using the Maximum Profit System™
Plant into a well-prepared seed bed. Being aware of soil temperature, ensuring the ground and your planter are level, and implementing proper tillage in the fall or the spring are just a few ways you can impact harvest before plant a single row.
(Photo by Bethany Kroeze)
Soil conditions at planting time
Seed placement
Seed quality
Matching the right product to the right field
Post-planting management
You are probably thinking, “Well, of course, those are givens!” Then why have so many already-good farmers gotten even better working with AgVenture? Each of these 5 factors can be partitioned into a master class of their own.
Ready to out-yield your neighborhood in 2022 and beyond? We love sharing what we know to help you get there. Go to our Corn and Soybeans Pages to find the right hybrids and varieties that will produce more bushels.