110 Days — “Mr. Right”
Solid agronomics with impressive yield potential for the central and eastern Corn Belt
Good Northern Leaf Blight resistance for high disease environments
Above average stalks, roots and staygreen promote good late season intactness
Respectable drought tolerance gives this hybrid broad adaptability
The go-anywhere 110 day RM. The best 110 day hybrid in the industry. This flat out yields across a wide range of environments and can win at all yield levels. Attractive and healthy plant that maintains health into late summer/fall. Plant at 30-34k. Yields with and can beat the full season hybrids while diversifying farm operations to open up harvest a few days sooner and improve harvest logistics. Top seller.
Characteristics | |
No Till/Limited Till | 3 |
Corn after Corn | 3 |
Plant Height | Medium Tall |
Ear Height | Medium High |
Flex | High |
Highly Productive Soils | 2 |
Less Productive Soils | 3 |
Northern Leaf Blight | 3 |
Ratings: 1 - 6; 1 = Excellent |
Agronomy | |
Stress Emergence | 4 |
Root Strength | 3 |
Stalk Strength | 3 |
Brittle Snap Tolerance | 3 |
Drought Tolerance | 3 |
Staygreen | 2 |
Test Weight | 3 |
Grain Drydown | 1 |
Ratings: 1 - 6; 1 = Excellent |
Pictures from the field
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